Anaconda environments#

Create environment: ds#

We install some modules in a new Anaconda environment. We call this new environment ds (data science).

On Windows open the Start menu and open the “Anaconda Command Prompt”.

On macOS: Open a terminal (learn how to open a terminal)

  • Copy this code and run it in your terminal:

conda create -n ds python=3.9 pandas openpyxl jupyter scikit-learn altair vega_datasets matplotlib seaborn requests tweepy beautifulsoup4 streamlit sqlalchemy psycopg2 xgboost

Activate the new environment:

conda activate ds

Create environment: tf#

We install some modules in a new Anaconda environment. We call this new environment tf (TensorFlow).

On Windows open the Start menu and open the “Anaconda Command Prompt”.

On macOS: Open a terminal (learn how to open a terminal)

  • Copy this code and run it in your terminal:

conda create -n tf python=3.10 pandas jupyter tensorflow altair pydot --y

Activate the new environment:

conda activate tf

Install Graphviz#

Graphviz is open source graph visualization software. We use it to visualize Deep Learning Architectures.



  • Install MacPorts. The MacPorts Project is an open-source community initiative to design an easy-to-use system for compiling, installing, and upgrading either command-line, X11 or Aqua based open-source software on the Mac operating system.

  • Install Graphviz using MacPorts. In your temrinal:

sudo port install graphviz

How to select your environment#

In Visual Studio Code:

  1. Create or open a Jupyter Notebook

  2. Next, select a kernel using the kernel picker in the top right (select the Anaconda environment)

If you can’t see your newly created environment:

You can also manually specify an interpreter if Visual Studio Code doesn’t locate your kernel automatically.

  1. Show command palette: Press cmd+shift+p (Mac) or strl+shift+p (Windows)

  2. Search for `Python: Select Interpreter´

  3. Select it and you should see a list of your virtual environments

  4. Select the environment of your choice and you are ready to go.

If the steps described above should not work for you, take a look at other tips at StackOverflow.